Health & Wellness

Cabin Creek Health Systems


New Construction


Sissonville, WV


10,600 gsf


Honor Award - AIA West Virginia

When the Sissonville location of the Cabin Creek Health Systems was destroyed by a fire and their temporary operations were twice halted due to flooding, it was clear that the design of a new facility should address the notion of RESILIENCY – the ultimate metric in the consideration of a sustainable project. Following the staff’s commitment to continued service of their patients, the new facility is equipped to operate temporarily “off the grid” if required due to natural or man-made disasters.


More traditional measures of environmental sensitivity and sustainability are incorporated into the design, including strategic introduction of daylighting to the interior public and treatment spaces, use of energy-efficient heating and cooling systems, and extensive use of recycled and recyclable materials. Health and wellness education, distance learning, and telemedicine capabilities are provided in the community space, preparing patients for a more resilient lifestyle.