Courtland, VA
40,400 gsf
The design team of Silling Architects & locally-based Glave & Holmes were selected to design an expansion and comprehensive renovations to the historic 1834 Southampton County Courthouse located in Courtland, Virginia.
Faced with an increased need for expanded space for the county judiciary, dated and deteriorating physical conditions to the courthouse’s architectural and building systems, and the inadequacies and functional performance of the building’s 1925 and 1960 additions, our team worked closely with the County in developing an architectural program approval from the Southampton County Circuit Court, Southampton County Combined General District and Juvenile Domestic Relations Court, Southampton County Board of Supervisors and Franklin City Council in accordance with the Virginia Courthouse Facilities Guidelines. The approved design concept includes demolition of select portions of the 1925 and 1960s era additions and the introduction of new building additions totaling nearly 29,000 square feet that honor the spirit of the courthouse’s original Jeffersonian style architecture, while providing new and expanded space for the Circuit Court, General District Court, Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court, Clerk of Courts, and Commonwealth’s Attorney.